Професійна ретуш фотографій за один клік!

RetouchMe: Ваш Фото і Відео Редактор
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15570 Відгуки
30+ million
RetouchMe: Ваш Фото і Відео Редактор
30+ млн
4.4 Rating
15570 Відгуки
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Чому варто вибирати RetouchMe app?

Профі Дизайнери
Метою створення RetouchMe є максимально непомітна та якісна робота досвідченої команди графічних дизайнерів. Ми гарантуємо, що редагування є непомітними, тому, коли ви публікуєте свої фотографії в соціальних мережах, ніхто не здогадається про будь-які зміни.
Низька ціна
Завдяки досвіду з 2014 року ми розробили ефективний сервіс обробки фотографій, який забезпечує високоякісні результати. Зі стартовою ціною лише 1$, наші професійні дизайнери пропонують цілий спектр послуг з ретушування, включаючи корекцію тіла, обличчя, макіяжу та фотографій.
Швидкий результат
Насолоджуйтеся швидким редагуванням фотографій від RetouchMe, що пропонує професійну обробку лише за 10-15 хвилин.
Легко в Користуванні
Простий у використанні застосунок RetouchMe усуває потребу у досвіду ретушування фотографій. Лише завантажте своє зображення, і дозвольте нашим професійним дизайнерам Photoshop створити покращену версію ваших фото.
Після того, як графічний дизайнер закінчить обробку вашої фотографії, вона надсилається назад безпосередньо вам, та негайно видаляється з нашої системи. Ми надаємо пріоритет вашій конфіденційності та не передаємо ваші фотографії третім особам.
Підтримка 24/7
Наша служба підтримки клієнтів доступна 24/7, щоб вирішити будь-які проблеми або запити щодо вашого замовлення та надати допомогу в разі потреби.

Найкращий додаток для покращення вашої краси

Корекція всього тіла

Наш потужний фоторедактор легко змінює розмір, зменшує форму, виправляє або збільшує будь-яку частину вашого тіла та робить вас більш привабливими на фотознімках. Змініть своє тіло лише кількома дотиками і станьте фітнес-моделлю.
Більше опцій

Ретуш шкіри

Отримайте чисту та ідеально гладку шкіру за допомогою численних професійних опцій для ідеального селфі. Видаліть прищі та зморшки, вирівняйте тон шкіри, сховайте розширені пори та виправте всі недоліки шкіри за лічені хвилини.
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Маніпуляції із фоном зображення

Виріжте або замініть фон вашої фотографії на будь-якій іншій, видаліть небажані об'єкти та людей з ваших улюблених зображень. Створіть фотоефекти кольорових сплесків або розмийте фон, щоб максимально підвищити якість зображення.
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Редактор селфі

Ваші селфі стануть ще гарячішими завдяки нашому додатку для редагування селфі. Він розроблений професіоналами, щоб удосконалити ваші портрети. Додайте завершальний штрих до своїх улюблених фотографій та сміливо розміщуйте їх у соціальних мережах.
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Потужний редактор для чоловіків

Прокачайте будь-які м'язи та легко отримайте V-подібне тіло без будь-яких вправ та тренувань. Крім того, спробуйте стильні бороди та стрижки, які додадуть вам ще більше шарму.
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Фоторедактор для схуднення

Мрієте виглядати підтягнуто на фотографіях? Додаток для схуднення RetouchMe - ідеальне рішення для швидкого створення стрункого образу та корекції будь-якої частини вашого тіла без тренувань та дієт.
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Бездоганний макіяж

Для отримання ідеального Макіяжу ми пропонуємо віртуальний салон краси, де можна нанести помаду, виділити вилиці, зробити очі більш виразними за допомогою тіней, стрілок, туші та багато іншого.
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Стильні аксесуари

Створіть чудовий образ за допомогою сучасної колекції аксесуарів. Спробуйте модні сонцезахисні окуляри, стильні головні убори, круті тату, яскраві сережки та каблучки, щоб справити неймовірне враження.
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Відгуки користувачів в AppStore/GooglePlay
Nel’s mom
3 вер 2024
Such a lifesaver
Wascar Mateo
29 сер 2024
Loved it, I was going crazy about editing some photos from my college graduation and this app and service exceeded all of my expectations honestly, I didn't expect this level of 1A service in such a timely manner.
26 сер 2024
Very comprehensive editor without excessive charges
Jordan Rhodes
19 сер 2024
I've been waiting on pictures for over 24 hours? Is this app dead?
11 сер 2024
Definitely worth the price, recently editing times have increased greatly and now I don't see an option to pay more coins to speed up but I understand times are tough and headcount of editors might be low, the editors do a great job at editing and that is what matters most at the end of the day. Thank you for keeping this app running behind the scenes. I will be a lifetime customer. Hope to see the speed up editing option back!
Jami Bishari
6 сер 2024
best editing app ever!
3 сер 2024
Great app to fix the photos
29 лип 2024
This app with the use of the designer is definitely user friendly and makes the changes very effectively.
Miss AmErika
20 лип 2024
Tremendously fast & for the most-part, high quality edits! I’ve had a few I had to resubmit due to complete misses, so I wish that process was a bit more customer friendly & that I didn’t have to pay again for a replacement edit. But overall, great service!
16 лип 2024
I love this app but the wait times have become ridiculous. It used to be an hour maybe 4 if a holiday. Today it took 30 hours for the job to be done.
8 лип 2024
Amazing app I love it
The Unperfect
4 лип 2024
This is the Amazing app ever have.
Melody Jimenez
3 лип 2024
I tried many apps to remove the glare from my glasses and they all failed... until Retouch Me! And all it took was 99 cents! AMAZING! Highly recommend it!
Charisse Navarro
28 чер 2024
I love this app!
21 чер 2024
I really enjoy this app and how it has edited my photos. Im glad I dont have to do it myself.
Pawdog gemni
20 чер 2024
The photo of me was retouched giving myself quite a distinguished beard which looked quite natural as I had might grown it myself.
Monica Sainzcanedo
10 чер 2024
I really like it but i have been waiting for two fotos and still have not been completed
Karira Kariri
30 тра 2024
Great app. Been using for a long time
Tori Garza
26 тра 2024
Totally worth every penny. This app takes all the work out of it and you end up with perfect photos that look exactly how you imagined them in your head and not only that, but they're also extremely realistic as well.
Mary Jo Olson
23 тра 2024
well this is not a free app, there is a 99 cent renewable option for 20 retouches. I bit the bullet, bought, and glad I did. As a plus, the retouch was easy to use and natural looking not overdone
Arsal Malik Arsal
7 тра 2024
best application i thank you for all lover
17 кві 2024
should be able to remove articles of clothing
Lanni Lovely
11 кві 2024
I’ve been using this app for a while now and it really helps with a lot of my photos especially if they’re bad lighting or if it is a bad angle, I can really get my photo to look how I want them to look. I appreciate them being able to do it for me because I do not have any photo editing skills lol
Dee Farrell
5 кві 2024
Brilliant app with the best results
Echo Jackson
2 кві 2024
Thank you ! Designers are spot on regarding what I want out of the picture. Thank you so much for always making my pictures look great !
joy markowitz
25 бер 2024
Perfect for quick touch-ups on the go. I can't imagine posting a photo without using this app first....
wyatt neuzil
25 бер 2024
I'm amazed by how natural the edits look. It's like having a personal photo editor in my pocket.>>
emanuel curb
21 бер 2024
I love the variety of editing options available. It's like having a full suite of photo editing tools in one app..
shawana probst
21 бер 2024
Highly recommend to anyone who wants to put their best face forward in photos..
Vicky Rice
20 бер 2024
Lovely and very nice
tyra kesey
19 бер 2024
Saves me time and effort. With just a few taps, I can transform my photos from ordinary to extraordinary...
Nelson harrington jett
17 бер 2024
The before-and-after results speak fo..r themselves. This app truly enhances my natural beauty.
Tien Ngo
17 бер 2024
Perfect for quick touch-ups on the go. I can't imagine posting a photo without using this app first....
Sam strickland
17 бер 2024
I'm amazed by how natural the edits look. It's like having a personal photo editor in my pocket.>>
13 бер 2024
I am no pro at selfies, and I don’t have to be thanks to Retouch Me. No matter what I ask for the results are always natural!
10 бер 2024
Great work! Looks very natural
Shrwan Shrwan lal
10 бер 2024
Gone are the days of worrying about imperfections. This app smooths out every flaw effortlessly.>>
Sarukh khan
10 бер 2024
Instant gratification! Within minutes, I can retouch and share flawless photos!
10 бер 2024
Finally, an app that helps me achieve my desired look without spending hours in front of the mirror...
Dennis Mincy
8 бер 2024
achieve more for less with this app
Stac berry
4 бер 2024
they do great work
Md Yousuf
4 бер 2024
I love the variety of editing options available. It's like having a full suite of photo editing tools in one app.
Tanuja bibi Tanuja bibi
4 бер 2024
Highly recommend to anyone who wants to put their best face forward in photos.
Saraswati Sau
4 бер 2024
Saves me time and effort. With just a few taps, I can transform my photos from ordinary to extraordinary.
Toyin Idowu Ibukun
3 бер 2024
Perfect for quick touch-ups on the go. I can't imagine posting a photo without using this app first.
Auwalu Tasiu
3 бер 2024
I'm amazed by how natural the edits look. It's like having a personal photo editor in my pocket.
26 лют 2024
Did a super job on the picture. So natural thank you!
25 лют 2024
Great job ready in 2 minutes
Kacey girl
25 лют 2024
Excellent job & very natural
Giselle Rox
25 лют 2024
I really love retouch me because the designer just gives me a glow up and the work never looks embellished or not me, sometimes in life we just need a tweak.
snap crap xox
23 лют 2024
Just retouched my first picture on here and was really impressed
19 лют 2024
Excelent work ! 👍🎉
KT Hawkins
19 лют 2024
Great app for photo touch ups! Fast, reliable service!
kittie fahning
18 лют 2024
A must-have for social media enthusiasts. It takes my selfies to the next level!
curtis faraone
18 лют 2024
User-friendly interface, professional results. I love how easy it is to retouch photos with this app.
kerstin kaehler
18 лют 2024
Life-changing! This app effortlessly enhances my photos, giving me confidence in every shot.
18 лют 2024
App works PERFECT
Dave Sistek
16 лют 2024
Very good job on all of my pics. 2 thumbs up!
Biannka Jones
11 лют 2024
Excellent and fast
Darnel Roberts
11 лют 2024
Love this app . Always do a great job and look so realistic
Mariana Villasenor
8 лют 2024
Exactly what I wanted!!!!
John Doc
7 лют 2024
Real nice job to tone things a bit
5 лют 2024
Perfect! Such a great job!
2 лют 2024
I love this app!
Bonnie Pal
2 лют 2024
Quick service. Designer did a great job
1 лют 2024
The photo looked really good after the redesign process
29 січ 2024
The retouch is always the way I need the photo to look
27 січ 2024
Excellent addition to photo.
Elizabeth Gonzalez (Liz)
25 січ 2024
Great touch-up on the pics. Love it!
The Ninja Nancy
21 січ 2024
This was the third app I tried to remove my daughter’s braces and the ONLY one that worked. Highly recommend.
Stacey’s mum
20 січ 2024
Recently my mother in law passed away & I asked for wings on her photo. It was beautifully done. Thank you ❤️
G Ha
19 січ 2024
This is exactly what I needed 😊
19 січ 2024
This app is amazing
Nossy Nova
17 січ 2024
I’m not the greatest photographer nor do i seem to get the best angles when I pose for a pic myself. This app corrects flaws and appearances of shadows and issues. Great app and while I don’t know how they do it, my photos come back within minutes looking great!
what the fuc...
17 січ 2024
This is one of the most awesome apps I have seen you can create the most amazing photos with the help of the very very clever designers. I have such a lot of fun with it.
Евгений Лохманов
16 січ 2024
Wow, this is an awesome app. I find it really easy to use
15 січ 2024
This designer removed my stretch marks on my stomach and it looked so natural!
joe Hamilton
15 січ 2024
Great fast service very satisfied !!!!
13 січ 2024
This has to be one of the best photoshop apps i have ever used
13 січ 2024
I absolutely love this app and keep coming back for a bit of professional touch. Highly recommend!
13 січ 2024
Looks good and does not look like it’s been touched up much
Kateryna Irinina
12 січ 2024
Прислала 3 фотографії і вони були зроблені дуже швидко та якісно, приблизно 10 хвилин зайняло на 3 фото. Дякую, буду звертатися ще:)
Laura Ati Tay
11 січ 2024
This app is totally the best I recommend it for everybody
10 січ 2024
Reliable quality app highly recommend for editing and fixing any imperfections if necessary
10 січ 2024
Sometimes you love a pic except for a tiny detail .. this app is amazing
Priscy H
8 січ 2024
This app is gd . It gives u the best picture that u want
8 січ 2024
Excellent picture retouch app. This is exactly what I was looking for!
Charvette Baisden
5 січ 2024
Love love love the edits, they're quick too!
4 січ 2024
Huge help and time saver.
Josh Taylor
3 січ 2024
Amazing and quick work. Works exactly how it's meant to, quick, simple and accurate
The Guider
3 січ 2024
Super quick retouch and outstanding service I love it
diana perez
1 січ 2024
I love the results
Tibby B
31 гру 2023
Great photo,really beautiful
Jonathan Davenport
31 гру 2023
Solid app especially when you forget to shave your face and have a great photo, but have stubs everywhere haha
DC free dg Wilson
31 гру 2023
Very happy with results, would highly recommend
30 гру 2023
Had the picture edited by someone else & absolutely hated it, you did a phenomenal job!!
Orlando Fieliciano
28 гру 2023
Very good and cheap prices
27 гру 2023
Great and Swift editors/artists I don’t know what I would do without you guys
26 гру 2023
eat work on adding color To my lips- very natural.
26 гру 2023
Absolutely the best
victoria smith
25 гру 2023
Know what they're doing
24 гру 2023
I did not know how it would turn out, but I loved the results.
That Bearded Auzzie
23 гру 2023
Great work! Wife wasn’t happy with her arm size, so $4 and 10 minutes later, the photo is saved! Cheers for quality work!
23 гру 2023
I love this app! If you need to correct a photo it’s the best app out there! I recommend to all my family and friends. Thank you to the editors as my wedding photos look amazing!
21 гру 2023
So quick & easy! Great job is minutes!! Thank you!!
Taken by everyone
20 гру 2023
They did a great job removing the object, but it took far longer than the second time.
20 гру 2023
I absolutely love this photo editing app! It has so many features and options to enhance my photos and make them look professional.
19 гру 2023
I’ve hated taking photos of myself for 20 years. Thank you for your awesome skills!
19 гру 2023
Best results yet! Thank you!
Corinne Finch
18 гру 2023
Needed to replace 2 teeth in photo, amazing job
18 гру 2023
i’m very please with detail of work
Spencer Mulligan
16 гру 2023
It's a good app to use but purchasing the credits can get annoying without too many options to earn them for free
Sarah Szudy
16 гру 2023
Love it, the editors are awesome and pictures come back almost instantly.
15 гру 2023
Good customer service, fair pricing and typically quality work and very easy to get fixed if unsatisfied.
Baco Arana
15 гру 2023
Nice photo editor app 🤩!
Nikki Agron
13 гру 2023
I love this app. The designers have a keen eye for detail and are exceptionally good at editing. Thank you for creating this awesome, and easy to use retouch service! 😊
13 гру 2023
Amazing!! Love this app!
lilia oscarson
12 гру 2023
Good retouch and editing app
Rachel Fort
12 гру 2023
Did a great job editing my photos
Carla Seymour
11 гру 2023
Photo was done perfect, very happy.
Mahmoud Ali
11 гру 2023
I was amazed actually
Awake Nowadays
10 гру 2023
Needless to say that I'd like a thinner waist but this app is the next best option for great results. The wait was 30 minutes but worth it!
9 гру 2023
So far it has been amazing
7 гру 2023
Just what I want🥰I get!! Thank you
Frauenkron Lockerby
7 гру 2023
It is the best app if you're looking to fix up or edit photos. Easy to use, professional photo imaging results instantly
Raleigh Vickery
7 гру 2023
Great to use for small corrections or retouching.
6 гру 2023
Always super quick and professional work!
Ramsih Bhai dodiya DodiyaRamsigh
6 гру 2023
I truly love this app, super easy to use.
Darryl Stear
5 гру 2023
1st time using, good job
5 гру 2023
I love this brand new pics in a blink
Isaura Lawrence
4 гру 2023
My photos are almost always perfect. And even if there is any that doesn't look great, they will always redo it or rectify it.
2 гру 2023
All my double chins are gone from this app!
Rupakchand Thakulla
1 гру 2023
why don't oppen the some fichar
Chandler Made
1 гру 2023
I enjoy using this method to edit my photos. So often I snap pictures of my kiddos doing amazing things in the moment. However, the background is not share or print friendly. I’ve used Retouch to remove clutter from the background, add clothing etc. The Designers simply get my request without a lot of hassle. I’m able to print or share pictures that look amazing. Thank you!
just fishing
1 гру 2023
Great app keep up the good work :)
Jamal M. A.
30 лис 2023
First I was a little skeptical about this app but it turned out really great thanks so much and merry Christmas!
Anthony Kukowski
30 лис 2023
They removed my favorite option, why?
Vitaliy Gida
28 лис 2023
I received my photos very quickly! 5/5
Hope Eck
25 лис 2023
Thank you for removing a background person from our Christmas photo! It was completed in less than 5 minutes!
owen white
25 лис 2023
love what the artists can do
24 лис 2023
Great app easy to use designer(s) are very good and let you know if somethings can’t be done. I love it
Carissa DeClerck
24 лис 2023
Just tried it out. Loved the pedicure option!
21 лис 2023
My photo was good but I hated my double chin. The edit enhanced it without taking away what I look like. It's a beautiful moment and photo perfection now.
Gareth O'Connor
21 лис 2023
Fast. Affordable. Effective. Appreciated. thank you and Slava Ukraini!
21 лис 2023
My designer did exactly what I needed done.. No Redo, just Perfect.
Dr Mary-Melinda Gillies
20 лис 2023
Looks much better
Angelina Lal
19 лис 2023
Loved it quick and easy
Haley Halloran
19 лис 2023
Very useful app! Really helps out in a quick turnaround time
19 лис 2023
100% satisfied. Quick and beautiful adjustments.
Alex Loz
18 лис 2023
cool app for objects removing 👍
18 лис 2023
Sent a truly awful photo of myself - I have put on so much weight in the last couple of years and a lot has deposited on my chin - just to see what the result would be and it was very impressive. I only had a couple of things done - esp chin reduction and it looked very natural.
Patti Lewis
17 лис 2023
Love this app for quick fixes with perfection!
Michelle Young
16 лис 2023
This app is amazing. My photos have been perfectly retouched every time I have used it with exactly what I want done. It is very easy to use and takes all of the work out of photo editing. Thank You!
13 лис 2023
La recomiendo y las fotos hermosos
Angel May 13
12 лис 2023
I love how my pictures come out. They look so natural. Thank you
12 лис 2023
My picture had two glares from the reflection of my glasses. Now, I can keep my selfie that I really like. Thanks!!
9 лис 2023
You brought tears to my eyes when you brought my Dad’s old Navy pictures back to life. Thank you so much!
9 лис 2023
I was skeptical because a lot of photo editing apps just cause distortion and I’m not a fan of monthly subscriptions on top of having to buy credits but I figured that I would be out of $10 at the most. Although I don’t see myself using this very often (money aside, I feel like someone would develop a distorted view of their appearance bc you can really change your look in this), I have to admit that it’s worth the money. My picture came out the way I wanted it to and the turnaround time was super quick!!
9 лис 2023
This has been the best pic fixed. The designer did an amazing job
Dee Rose
9 лис 2023
Fast turn around with quality results.
9 лис 2023
Greet job very natural
9 лис 2023
A little pricey but worth it.
8 лис 2023
Thank you so much I really love this photo so much and now I can use it! You did exactly what I wanted!
Shannon L-Prioletti
8 лис 2023
Awesome app did exactly what I wanted
jithin joseph
7 лис 2023
Very good nice editing
Michelle Woehl
7 лис 2023
I had a great professional photo taken, but the way I stood made my dress and body look off. It was fixed perfectly on the first try, and I am so happy with it now. Will be using it again!
6 лис 2023
Very good editing I love it
Michael Brumage
6 лис 2023
Pretty good I like it
6 лис 2023
Great price for the available options! Have fun with that photo!
Swoosh Legend
6 лис 2023
Full nude clothes removal. custom body enhancement options
Tacklebox Twitty
6 лис 2023
I am impressed! This is an incredible app, and the graphic artist are truly top notch. Thanks!
Happy Customerss
6 лис 2023
Fast service !! Great work
3 лис 2023
I love my results! Very nice and the turnaround time was perfect!
David Phibbs
3 лис 2023
It's a pay system but not bad pricing and good outcomes
3 лис 2023
Amazing job, touching up our wedding photo. Did a great job dealing with plus sized body shapes.
B Foster
3 лис 2023
The process was easy and the result was very satisfying.
1 лис 2023
I love this app because it takes care of fixing and improving the photos on time just like magic
jenneh yawu
1 лис 2023
Great at editing 👌
Eric Fennell
1 лис 2023
The app worked great. After trying some of the other similar apps I soon realized that this one RetouchMe is a very good app. It has a very high quality return. I am completely 100 % satisfied with the finished product. Still after all the time and money spent it seems like a the beginning of the 2 month of subscription you would get something.
1 лис 2023
Love this App👍🏾
1 лис 2023
wow! asked them to do face makeup to look like Johnny Depp and just WOW!
31 жов 2023
This is an excellent app for retouching photos. It looks natural and is professional. Definitely worth having when your photos are important!
Max Hamroid
31 жов 2023
This is very decent, I wish it were easier to get coins tho
Mich Pet
31 жов 2023
Always happy with the results.
30 жов 2023
My fiance had bad sweat stains on his shirt the designer took them away. The picture looks great.
Rosalina Chin
30 жов 2023
I just got a mail from the makers you can get the stars for free
28 жов 2023
I love it they did exactly what I wanted with no problem !
Seldom Sue
25 жов 2023
Amazing work…best app ever!
Daryna Yarova
24 жов 2023
Я задоволена результатом
Karina 00000001111
24 жов 2023
Designer was a great job and I am enjoyed with new body 😁
Victoria Mills
23 жов 2023
Justin Morrison
23 жов 2023
Absolutely phenomenal work thank you can't wait to continue using this app
22 жов 2023
I have been using this app for quite sometime and generally have very nice results. However, in the last few months I’m finding it’s taking a very long time to receive edited photos back. One time over 24 hours and I ended up cancelling it and re-doing it which was much faster. But, I shouldn’t have to resubmit to get my photos back faster
Nadine Dominguez
21 жов 2023
Great! I got my son's school picture back and there was a glare on his glasses. I paid 99 cents and it looks amazing! Took less then 5 minutes to get it back. Very happy thank you!
20 жов 2023
Took around half an hour. Decent result. Cheap price.
Michael leech
20 жов 2023
Works amazingly well!
Karen Hall
20 жов 2023
So much for the job and I am very interested in the position you have posted on Craigslist for the job and I am very interested in the position you have posted on Craigslist for the job
19 жов 2023
Literally a godsend. They are the best at editing when you’re in need of any kind of edit on any photo. They are the absolute BEST! 🙏🏽🤍
Random Fun
19 жов 2023
They did good and made my picture look much better
Keisha Homecoming Mom
18 жов 2023
This app is everything! I was afraid that my son’s homecoming photos would be terrible because they took them at halftime and he was very dirty. Amazing work.
18 жов 2023
Best edit I’ve seen and service was extremely fast. Thank you!
18 жов 2023
So helpful... Thank you!!!
16 жов 2023
Very quality work
Nina The sweet killer
16 жов 2023
Is a great app and is usually pretty fast getting your finished pictures.. so far I love all the pictures, I have submitted for retouching..
16 жов 2023
I would say this is definitely worth it.
16 жов 2023
The designer who got my pic did an awesome job!!! Removed a photo bomb and did great detail Thank u!!!
15 жов 2023
I will love to choose which person you could edit when a picture has more than two persons.
Dylan Besharah Hull
14 жов 2023
This is app is very good!
Kevin Clutchmasters
14 жов 2023
They really did make a miracle qith my pics lol recommend 10/10
Writing to abc
13 жов 2023
Did it exactly what I wanted! Very happy with the result thank you
Jacob Merced
12 жов 2023
Good app I could edit this
12 жов 2023
Do easy to use the app and I’ve almost always have been satisfied!
Sahil khan fan
10 жов 2023
Very good app retouched by real people
Bae Miles
10 жов 2023
Love how easy and fun the editing was!;; Plus, it didn't make my picture or my body warped. Has a very real feel to the body editor which is a major plus!!!
Soaping Up
9 жов 2023
Very very pleased. This app and designer are superb. Thank you for a great job.
9 жов 2023
I have used other apps, but Retouch me is by far better. Thank You!!!
Kristina Battles
9 жов 2023
I've not been disappointed yet.
8 жов 2023
So glad I found this to correct imperfections. Good job!
Ranjith kumar Boyapati
8 жов 2023
Nice bro this game
8 жов 2023
They do absolutely great editing photos!! Never have been disappointed! They have been able to everything I have asked, and do it so good!
8 жов 2023
Thanks for a great job photo retouching!
Robert Dimuro
7 жов 2023
They do a very good job with most of their edits, and will let you redo them twice for free if not satisfied! Love their work!
7 жов 2023
Great job on a natural looking edit. Thank you! I love this app!
5 жов 2023
This app is so cool! I don’t know why more people don’t use it! I found it on a whim and tried my luck- and I’m blown away! The results are so natural looking and sharp! I’ve bought credits for a bunch of edits for family and self pictures and all the edits took about 10-12 mins and there are so many different editing options. I used to hire photo editors on Fiverr, but this is way more convenient- plus it’s cheaper! I’ll definitely be recommending!
Anton Vakula
3 жов 2023
Це новий рівень! Прикольно!
Veronica Williams
3 жов 2023
Very great quality than any other app I've tried.
Gordon Dunne
2 жов 2023
Excellent app that helps fix photo problems.
2 жов 2023
I needed to remove a shadow from a face in a picture and the app originally said it wasnt possible after a few hours of working on it and I was refunded my credits. I tried it again with same picture and it successfully retouched the image so the shadow was removed and the face was so more clear and visible. Based off this situation, I would recommend giving this app a shot for the 0.99 cents / 20 credits range photo editing options at least.
subhash inampudi
2 жов 2023
Works great and good price
Disgusted Froge27
28 вер 2023
God I love this app! Heavily recommend!
Hemanth Kumar Ramanadham
28 вер 2023
Great app to remove the glare from glasses
28 вер 2023
Tried airbrush app, result from this designer was far superior, thanks!
amandine ruffet
27 вер 2023
Great experience. Cost me 1.30 USD to get my picture modified in less than 30 mins so super happy, thanks!
Edwin Muchiri
27 вер 2023
I love the way the designers insert what the users want in photo editing... It's as if the after-effect photo looks almost real...
25 вер 2023
Cannot recommend this app enough. It’s amazing
25 вер 2023
This app is so convenient and never disappoints
Jessee K
25 вер 2023
The best I have ever experienced
Shay Austin
24 вер 2023
The best!! This is the best editing app, I don't mind paying when I get the results I'm looking for.
24 вер 2023
I love this app. Great for correcting the imperfections that I am self conscious about and the pricing is reasonable. I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because I have noticed over the years that the skills of the staff doing the correcting is different. Some staff are excellent others are good.
24 вер 2023
This app is amazing you all need to download it!
C Harrison
24 вер 2023
This app is great and easy to use
Christina Seidel
23 вер 2023
Extremely happy with the work done to replace balding spot.
Simon Kostoski
22 вер 2023
Great app for enhancing photos. Very quick and high quality
Leah Duval
22 вер 2023
I've been using this app since October last year. Some of the designers are good some are sloppy and put no effort in when I've sent photos back to support staff to be fixed most are not the best. It would be good if we new the first name of the designers so we can request that specific person. Ive also done redos and theyve come back no different. Also to put notes on exactly what we want before sending on all requests not just on the ones where we pay individual retouch it would save time.
20 вер 2023
Very simple & easy to use & you can tell the designers just what you want. Lots of options. And the designers do a great job!
19 вер 2023
So… if you want to use the remove clothing button. It will only work on android.
18 вер 2023
I love the techniques, photos look so natural. Just little retouches here and there and the final photos are so beautiful. Many of those I have use for portraits around my house.
18 вер 2023
So good, thank you, you took years off, lol❤️hope to get you again love it
David C.
18 вер 2023
Great app and designers
William Miller
17 вер 2023
did exactly what I came to look for
cecelia torres
17 вер 2023
Did an awesome job removing eye glass glare from pics
Kasey Langford
17 вер 2023
Best I've seen so far
Subasna Jagathsan
14 вер 2023
awesome design maker
13 вер 2023
I may have had this app downloaded for sometime now and never really thought to pay to use it for editing my photos. Due to the fact I was very skeptical at first and my kids becoming too busy to assist , I decided to give it a try. After receiving my results I was totally satisfied. I was shocked that it only took less than 3 minutes to complete my photo. I was so impressed with the results. It was exactly what I wanted. I’m so glad I gave it try. I definitely will be uploading more pictures to come . Thanks again!
Ahlia Lee
10 вер 2023
They did a really great job retouching my picture. But wish they could do it for free
ciello ganteng
9 вер 2023
Sangat detail dan bagus
9 вер 2023
Quick and great results !
Alex Abramowitz
8 вер 2023
Great tool. Quick results and amazing designers.
Beau Smith
7 вер 2023
Did really great
Selbi Jumakuliyewa
7 вер 2023
5 вер 2023
Great job, looks completely natural.
gaming with tart
5 вер 2023
This app is actually fire. Made me look taller and so easy to use and access.
Stefanie Wolfe
2 вер 2023
Trying to find an app that could remove redeye was difficult. This app is phenomenal!
Emma Murphy
2 вер 2023
Done exactly what I asked for and a very good job 👏
2 вер 2023
A very good app with a human touch. It makes all the difference. Recommended.
1 вер 2023
I took a good picture and you made it great! Thanks
Flandre Scarlet
30 сер 2023
It's a paid service, with real people touching up your photos, but they do it fast, much better than trying to have an AI try and figure out your face shape and hope that it gets the angles right.
Sarah Pollakusky
29 сер 2023
So this app isn't actually free, but I paid $1 for someone to edit angel wings onto a photo of a relative who recently passed and I absolutely love how it came out. Yes I could've probably done it myself or did it for free but I suck at editing. So in my opinion it was totally worth it!
Cuban deevah🤷🏼‍♀️💯✔️👌🏽
29 сер 2023
Highly impressed with this app especially with removing glare from eyeglasses.
Hiba Farah
28 сер 2023
Takes long but love it
28 сер 2023
very nice and perfect
Alagie Kaitah
27 сер 2023
ALAGIE vvcnmnhhhsnndnxejudnxnxbnfifjejshshfhfhfnxnnfjxnsbbxbdbfhduejwjwjdjcnnxnzzmmsmdnfjfbfjfjruehejritjxnnnsnsndjdjdjdndnrnfncixktnfnncnxnxbdxyehjeitujennsnjsjxhdhdh hbvvsshshsjr dhdbbrnxbdhdhdhddhbdbxbxbxbxbdhdujssjdjndnrbrhshz z znshdhdhf you nsnsndndnx hssbbsbsbanznzbshshs sbsbsbdbbdbdd shashlik sbsbsbdbbdbdd hahahaha that's what I'm excited when you get it done before when you get this done by tomorrow morning so we are going through my resume attached with my husband has not received any
Laura Gould
26 сер 2023
Very good app. You can either earn points or pay for your editing. And the editing is fab 👌
25 сер 2023
Worth the money so far. I did the $9.99 package
Adib Khairi
25 сер 2023
Very good app,but why I can't buy the credits?
24 сер 2023
Nice app... Work wisely and sharply
Nikki McTevia
23 сер 2023
This is a great app!
Michelle Riley
22 сер 2023
Didn't expect to get such a great result. Thank you
22 сер 2023
Took a while to process, however, results were really good. Very happy with 1st project
Michelle Mccullough
22 сер 2023
you have got to get this app download it and try it is the bomb it's got everything you could think of seriously and there's no limitations get it and download
Gerret Parks
21 сер 2023
I submitted a photo of a guy I see at the gym all the time. And thanks to the wizards at RetouchMe, I now get to see him naked whenever I want. Great job with the endowment, btw...,😉
Laura Clark
21 сер 2023
Good app. Sometimes takes longer than they say it will to complete photos. Been happy with results.
21 сер 2023
What you did?!!! That !!!!
Muhammad Imran
19 сер 2023
I got a decent result from the designer!
Susie Chism
19 сер 2023
Very quick with good results...and easy opportunities for redos
Peter Gordon
18 сер 2023
App works great!
18 сер 2023
Love this app !
17 сер 2023
I love this app! Be aware you have to pay for edits but it's well worth the few dollars they're asking for. They do professional work with a very fast turnaround. I highly recommend!
Valerie Boyd
17 сер 2023
1st time trying this app. I'm pretty good at editing my own photos, but there is one I just couldn't get to look the way I wanted it to, so I gave this app a try and I'm glad I did . My photo looks great now.
16 сер 2023
I wanted one area fixed and sent it to a designer. My family and I just flipped over the results. So thank you very much.
Pat Russell
15 сер 2023
It's amazing.best app iv seen
Joycelyn Molley
15 сер 2023
Great & fast service with such cost effective subscription: Thank you!
15 сер 2023
I love how quick and the you could compare the before and after!
15 сер 2023
I am fairly proficient in editing my photos—but, there are some things I just can’t figure out how to do. This app is absolutely incredible. It literally is like having a professional editing service at your fingertips. Well done!
Lucy flynn !!!
13 сер 2023
made all my photos like sm better!!
Alaa Jawad
13 сер 2023
Smart app that works with real designers really like it
Praneeth Palakurthi
13 сер 2023
Designer did a good job of removing stains from clothes 😃
Maryna Solodushko
10 сер 2023
The absolute best editing app!! My editor did a highly professional job!
10 сер 2023
Great job on retouching!
Giải Trí
9 сер 2023
fast designer 10/10
Lillian Gaynor
9 сер 2023
Most of thr time it is a great experience. Every once in awhile you get someone that is in a hurry and does an okay job, but you can always send it back to be redone at no cost.
8 сер 2023
Very talented professionals. Thank you.....
Andrii Shevchuk
6 сер 2023
Perfect app. Maybe some problems with understanding how it works and how choose the filter for edit foto, but app really good😀
6 сер 2023
I’m actually known to take good pictures of my friends and family, but sometimes no matter how cute they are they just need a little something to check the foxy box. These guys are super good, realistic , and I used to be able to do it myself but the app I used either didn’t update or it was one that you can’t freeze areas of the picture. Telltale wavy doorways and stuff are terrible, and you won’t get any with this app. They don’t take long to do but do get backed up on occasion. If you’re a selfie taker and need to post it immediately this isn’t for you, but maybe it is depending on how much or how little you need done. Love this , worth the money too
Maria Tan
5 сер 2023
Great app, fast turnaround, good results 👍
Amanda Allen
4 сер 2023
Fantastic work good job. I will use again
4 сер 2023
Great and Swift editors/artists I don’t know what I would do without you guys
Emma Coad
4 сер 2023
That was a pleasant experience, didn't cost much and was pleased what they could do to help me
4 сер 2023
Tout est conforme à ma demande
2 сер 2023
I love this app.. absolutely one of the best!!its user friendly and they are quick to correct tgeor mistakes!! ❤️🙏🏾💯
PNWGolf Widow
2 сер 2023
This service is amazing! My expectations were high, but the after picture surpassed them. Thank you to the designer who is going to make the person I’m sending this to extremely happy!
Janina Surita
2 сер 2023
I like this game it's so awesome
Rijeane Paguinto
1 сер 2023
This is very efficient for me as I don't have much time to edit my pictures! Great work! Kudos to the designer/s
30 лип 2023
Thank you for the natural look
Vciids Main
29 лип 2023
he did such a good job, i wanna thank him personally
Djanna Brathwaite
29 лип 2023
Simply the best app
jeff friday
29 лип 2023
I'm always satisfied with the results. If not, the designers strive to provide the best results.
27 лип 2023
The editing is great & Im usually always pleased unless there’s something specific I want done & If I need help customer service is quick to respond & resolve my issues quickly. I’m very happy with this app :)
26 лип 2023
This app is awesome! If you need to make small corrections, deletions, or restoring an old photo, the designers do a phenomenal job to make all pictures look excellent! I can’t recommend this m enough!
25 лип 2023
Always use this app, always get fantastic results, fast and just as requested
Marc Hughes
25 лип 2023
On some photos, the touch ups are incredible. Others are more tricky but cant think of a better service than this one. Don't except every photo to be perfect but can completely change the look of some
Molly Martinez Salcido
25 лип 2023
Love how easy it is to get instant touch ups!!
John Don
24 лип 2023
Expensive but good
Yasser Sawadi
24 лип 2023
Easy to use and cheap. Designer doesn't take long to finish the job and it was a great work done.
josef smit
24 лип 2023
Very clever app and is perfect for one who wants to put a few touches
Andrew Wallace
23 лип 2023
Its ok but so high in money but main problem cant see the modifications please can you update so we can see our photo changes would be appreciated thanks
adam dean
23 лип 2023
Very good editing does exactly what it says
beauty now 😄
21 лип 2023
Wonderful app I highly recomend it !!👏👏👏👏
Javier Hansen
21 лип 2023
very well created plus very fun features
20 лип 2023
A great photo editing app for someone who has zero idea how to do it themselves. 1 star off because sometimes it can be inconsistent in their results, but other than that, great app
Casey Obee
20 лип 2023
Make it so that you can apply each change and see it instead of spending money then not liking it. Overall, nice work
19 лип 2023
Wanted an easy retouch on my dogs eyes that were red in a photo, sent it away to be retouched and was done within 12 minutes and I am so happy with the results for this. I will be using this for all my retouching now.
Chau London
19 лип 2023
Good apps. Excellent and prompt service. exactly as what’s said in the tin. Will recommend!
Ксенія Муравецька
18 лип 2023
Дуже добре обробляє фото👍👍👍
13 лип 2023
Love this little app so much! I was as a professional photographer for about 30 years. Of course there are programs like photoshop with a BIG learning curve, but this is wonderful, quick and the designers do a nice job. Affordable and you can easily step up your photography game. I use it for my dogs and my friends dogs. Add wings, change backgrounds. Fun!
12 лип 2023
For not too much you can fix the flaws in your photos.
11 лип 2023
Like magic! Designer took away sweat stains to make a picture frame worthy!
6 лип 2023
Very pleased with this designer
2 лип 2023
30 чер 2023
Yes you have to buy coins, but why should this service be free? I only buy in 20 coin increments which only cost $.99 each. Pretty good deal if you ask me!
28 чер 2023
I normally hate editing apps but this one is amazing & I use it for all my Modeling pictures and you cannot tell it’s edited it looks natural!! It also doesn’t make you subscribe you can just pay as You edit which hella Convenient to me!!
Roman Pidhanyak
23 кві 2023
Хороша прога. Платна тому і дієва!
Влада Кімлик
15 кві 2023
Класний редактор! Зручний в роботі, якісний👍
9 кві 2023
Чудовий додаток, все швидко і якісно!
Yana Aleksandrovna
22 бер 2023
Дуже класний додаток
Space Media
31 січ 2023
Thanks! Very nice retouch!
14 січ 2023
Превосходный ретушёр. Были выполнены абсолютно все мои пожелания!!!!
Анна Толстошеева
12 січ 2023
Доволі непоганий редактор
Olga Tsisanovska
7 вер 2022
Дуже хороший фоторедактор! Рекомендую!
5 вер 2022
Класний додаток, але ціни занадто дешеві, як на те, що працюють реальні люди)
Oleksandr shumik
29 сер 2022
Найкращий додаток для ретуші фото. Дякую ретушерам.
Olya Ulyanchenko
23 лип 2022
Очень классный фоторедактор! Рекомендую!
Vitaliy Kirsh
29 тра 2022
Nice photo editor
8 лют 2022
Роботи, завжди, відмінні!!! Не пошкодувала, жодного разу!
Іра Семен
26 чер 2021
Бомбезний додаток !
Анастасія Глов'як
15 січ 2021
Дуже хороша програма, гарно роблять свою роботу:)))
20 сер 2020
Просто супер дизайнер!
Оля плюс
9 сер 2020
Дякую за такий чудовий додаток. Результатом задоволена!!!
5 сер 2020
Приложение само по себе шикарное ,но очень сильно напрягает ,что если ты хочешь ним полноценно пользоваться ,то готовь пожалуйста $
22 лип 2020
Очень классная программа рекомендую
Ігор Пашолок
3 чер 2020
Коректно та легко працювати.
Лєна Сунічук
27 тра 2020
дуже крута програма
Олеся Пилипець
20 кві 2020
Додаток супер!!!
Зоряна Павловська
14 кві 2020
Дуже класна програма
наташа торська
28 бер 2020
Приложения просто супер)я довольна
Ангеліна Огієвич
10 бер 2020
Класні програмки
Таня Цимбалюк
9 бер 2020
Прикольний редактор, але платний
Лєна Гавронська
3 бер 2020
Класний додаток!)
Liza Zaburanna
3 бер 2020
Дуже чудовий додаток
darina 10
25 лют 2020
Фото сделали супер !!!!
4 лют 2020
Это самое удобное приложение 😉
Валерія Іванова
1 січ 2020
Очень удобное приложение, восторг!
Лика Солнцева
16 гру 2019
Лучшее приложение)Молодцы дизайнеры❤️❤️❤️
12 гру 2019
Дуже класна програма Цікава, розважальна та корисна Просто супер
Софія Мельникович
9 гру 2019
Дуже класна програма
Вікторія Вікторівна
11 лис 2019
Шикарна програма!)
Анастасія Бобрик
10 лис 2019
Дуже крута програмка мені подобаєця)
9 лис 2019
Отличная работа дизайнера! Я очень довольна результатом!
29 жов 2019
Приложение супер!выручает очень.команда мастеров работает очень крутая!
28 жов 2019
Мені сподобалось ,дуже крутий додаток
Kate Diadiuk
23 жов 2019
Дуже зручна програма
22 жов 2019
Хорошо корректирует фото, идеально удалено логотипы
Аліна Бєланенко
2 жов 2019
Чудова програма!
30 вер 2019
Супер, отличное приложение! Очень нравится
17 вер 2019
Для тих хто любить перфекціонізм👌🏻
16 вер 2019
Отличное приложение!
Вова Козин
6 вер 2019
Дуже гарно порацює
29 сер 2019
Отличное приложение. Денежек не жалко.
26 сер 2019
Very goood.My recommendation
23 сер 2019
Дуже крутий додаток👍🏻
Uliana Prokopyshyn
13 сер 2019
класний додаток. .стрибок у майбутнє!
Альона Прит
5 сер 2019
Класна програма!!
4 сер 2019
Very professional.
Андрій Коцюруба
3 сер 2019
Рекомендую. Якісна обробка!
6 лип 2019
Really great app
3 лип 2019
Отличное приложение! Хорошие дизайнеры!
16 чер 2019
Отличное приложение ,советую всем
30 тра 2019
Very cool, I like it
Анна Морозова
10 тра 2019
Nice product! Like this program ) it makes my photos a little bit better
19 кві 2019
Очень удобное и эффективное приложение.
alyona 1735528
9 кві 2019
They did even more then I requested. It looks amazing!!!!
1 кві 2019
Отличное приложение! Все работает, быстро и профессионально!
31 бер 2019
Мне очень понравилось, всё натурально
12 бер 2019
Это лучшее приложение по ретуши фото!!
25 гру 2018
Приложение супер)))👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
11 гру 2018
Пользуюсь постоянно, собираю лайки теперь в соц сетях!)))
эленка 23
19 лис 2018
Отличная работа. Все супер
19 лис 2018
Огромное спасибо!! Отличное приложение!!!
2 лис 2018
Очень хорошее приложение
16 жов 2018
Отличное приложение!!!
21 сер 2018
Прикольна штука !!!! Реально працює . Дуже задоволена .
20 чер 2018
Бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке. А здесь за умеренную плату работу настоящих профессионалов! Спасибо!
14 чер 2018
Очень удобно! Работают быстро, я осталась довольна результатом)
13 чер 2018
Absolutely satisfied with app!!!
Владимир Fashion
6 чер 2018
За последнее время ничего нового не добавляется и не изменяется, программа не обновляется(((, жаль(((. Лично у меня проблема-купероз, очень красное лицо(((, но исправить и убрать этот дефект не реально, так как нет такой функции(((.
6 тра 2018
Как заработать деньги на баланс ?
4 тра 2018
Отлично мне нравится)
29 кві 2018
Очень даже не плохо.Быстро и качественно.Рекомендую
25 кві 2018
Добрый день! Приложением больше чем довольна! Но что произошло с заработком бесплатных монет на редактирование ?(просмотр видео) Уже неделю как нет доступных!
28 бер 2018
Отличное приложение!)
21 бер 2018
Классное приложение)
23 лют 2018
Очень крутое приложение !
9 лют 2018
Все быстро круто и очень нравиться
15 жов 2017
Все всегда идеально - спасение для моего Инстаграмм в дни,когда выгляжу не очень ))
Natalia Nathalie
19 вер 2017
Быстро и очень удобно ,когда под рукой нет компьютера ) спасибо вам !
Akvarel Nails
17 вер 2017
Мне понравился результат, стоит потраченных денег.
16 вер 2017
Чудово виконує функцію фотошопу. ДЯкую.
14 вер 2017
Мне понравилось, рекомендую)
12 вер 2017
Хорошая программа , жаль что надо смотреть видео , что б обработать фотки
7 сер 2017
Програма дуже хорошої роботи
13 лип 2017
👍🏻👍🏻классная я программа
8 лип 2017
Дизайнеры очень хорошо выполняют работу
Ivan Yareha
16 лис 2016
This is really great app, best what I fond in App Store
5 вер 2016
Хорошее приложение, советую
18 лип 2016
Ребят, не ведитесь )абсолютно всё не для людей, а для своего кармана )любая ретушь платная, абсолютно никакой бесплатно функции 👎🏼☹️
20 чер 2016
Хорошая программа , рекомендую ✔️💖💋
14 вер 2015
!!!!! Wow! Super!
10 жов 2014
Still amazed by the quality!
1 вер 2014
It's so cool! I liked it so much, this app is so cool
31 сер 2014
Живот убрали, прыщи сняли, зубы отбелили, пипец красота :)
18 сер 2014
Очень быстро, качественно, классно!!!👍 Спасибо создателям приложение😊
17 сер 2014
I liked this App!👍😄
16 сер 2014
Super, it is worked!
16 сер 2014
This prog is guite helpful and my pics looks great!!
16 сер 2014
Very good app!!!
Устинов Евгений Валериевич
15 сер 2014
Ради любопытства попробовал обработать несколько своих фоток со знакомыми девушками, в итоге получил супер-фотки для обложки какого-нить журнала))) неожиданно! Немного запутанный интерфейс, но разобраться можно.
15 сер 2014
Неделю пользуюсь приложением, очень довольна, и что такое доллар для хорошего фото! Поклонники лайкают и пишут)))))
29 лип 2014
Wow! I like this app) It's really doing what I want with my photo:)
16 лип 2014
Особенно хочется отметить ретушь фигуры, получается супер!!!!!Так держать!
13 лип 2014
Понравилось. Пару фоток обрабаотали прилично. Пригодилось когда автоматическая коррекция не справляется.

Який додаток я можу використовувати для ретуші моєї фотографії?

Вам більше не потрібні навики ретуші фотографій. Завантажте свою фотографію в додаток RetouchMe і отримайте покращену версію від нашої досвідченої команди дизайнерів.

Як використовувати додаток RetouchMe для ретуші обличчя?

Щоб використовувати додаток для редагування обличчя, спочатку вам потрібно завантажити додаток RetouchMe. Потім виберіть і завантажте зображення, яке хочете відредагувати.
Відправте зображення нашим професійним редакторам і оцініть остаточний результат вже через кілька хвилин!

Чому в накладенні RetouchMe більш якісна ретуш фотографій?

Кожен раз ваші фотографії обробляються реальними людьми — експертною командою графічних дизайнерів, які використовують Photoshop. Професійна обробка дає вам набагато більш якісну ретушь, яку неможливо отримати в інших автоматичних фоторедакторах.